Archive for October 2014

DIY Pencil Case

October 02, 2014 § 0

Here I have a DIY for you! Its a pretty easy sewing project. The great thing about this pencil pouch is you can customize with different prints or embellish it however way you want. You can even choose a different color or type of zipper. Have fun!

Material you will need: 
tulip soft matte fabric paint(variety of colors available)
 1. fold fabric and cut out a 9"x 6" rectangle.
 2. pin the sides down
 3. sew the edges where you pinned and make sure to pull out each pin as you sew.
 4. fold down the opening with the pouch still inside out. The folded fabric is 1/2 an inch.
 5. now with the pouch right-side out pin the fabric onto one side of the zipper. Match the edge of the fabric opening to the zipper teeth.  Then sew! For the other side, unzip the zipper and pin the edge of the fabric opening to it. Then sew once more.
This is what is should look like when complete! However, make sure to go and purchase a zipper length that will go all the way across your pouch. The one I used was shorter than the opening and had to hand sew where the zipper did not reach. 
 6. in this step you can get creative! I chose to create stripes by first taping 4 strips. Make sure the edges of the tape strips are firmly pressed down onto the fabric. This can help with the paint stripes to turn out cleaner.
 7. paint on about 3 coats minimum with some fabric paint. Feel free to apply more if it does not satisfy you. 
TADA!~ the final look! You can also go ahead and add stripes to the other side, add a different pattern, or just keep it plain like I did.