Archive for 2014
First Snow
December 02, 2014 § 0
On Sunday the day before December started, we had our first fall of snow! It was beautiful. It has been so chilly lately so we bundled up in matching coats! Here is a quick upload of a few shots taken with the Nikon D5100. Hope everyone had a lovely thanksgiving ♡

DIY design
November 27, 2014 § 0
I just wanted to share a little gift idea that I made for a friend of mine. For as long as I can remember, homemade cards and stationary has been a hobby of mine. This is an easy design I created for the cover of the homemade notebook.
Supplies needed is simply some card stock & a white gel pen to make this design.
Fall Picks
November 06, 2014 § 0
The past few months passed by like without me even realizing...its been a busy quarter trying to balance everything. Finally got the time to write a post after finishing midterms this week!
Here are a few items I have been eyeing recently:
white soft scarf | white backpack | zip ankle boots | checked scarf | black backpack | pocket backpack | Herringbone scarf | pointy boots
Which one was your fav?
DIY Pencil Case
October 02, 2014 § 0
Here I have a DIY for you! Its a pretty easy sewing project. The great thing about this pencil pouch is you can customize with different prints or embellish it however way you want. You can even choose a different color or type of zipper. Have fun!
Material you will need:
tulip soft matte fabric paint(variety of colors available)
1. fold fabric and cut out a 9"x 6" rectangle.
2. pin the sides down
3. sew the edges where you pinned and make sure to pull out each pin as you sew.
4. fold down the opening with the pouch still inside out. The folded fabric is 1/2 an inch.
5. now with the pouch right-side out pin the fabric onto one side of the zipper. Match the edge of the fabric opening to the zipper teeth. Then sew! For the other side, unzip the zipper and pin the edge of the fabric opening to it. Then sew once more.
This is what is should look like when complete! However, make sure to go and purchase a zipper length that will go all the way across your pouch. The one I used was shorter than the opening and had to hand sew where the zipper did not reach.
6. in this step you can get creative! I chose to create stripes by first taping 4 strips. Make sure the edges of the tape strips are firmly pressed down onto the fabric. This can help with the paint stripes to turn out cleaner.
7. paint on about 3 coats minimum with some fabric paint. Feel free to apply more if it does not satisfy you.
TADA!~ the final look! You can also go ahead and add stripes to the other side, add a different pattern, or just keep it plain like I did.
Inspiration: Shio Kusaka
September 22, 2014 § 0
Heads up ahead of time, this is a fairly word heavy post which may cause for my not so great writing skills to be more obvious. >.<
Well hello there, I sit here writing about my current state of mind where I lately have been stuck when it comes to finding the motivation to create & let ideas flow.
As a visual arts major there is this struggle sometimes where I lack creativity & lose sight of why I started in the first place. Then I tell myself not to pursue creation to satisfy or appeal to someone else, but to do it for myself.
This brings to attention the main topic of this post: inspiration
I love that thoughts and ideas can be formed through people we meet, things we see, random moments in our sometimes uneventful (though I believe there is no such thing) lives.
Whenever I feel like the creative juices are not flowing and get stuck in this dark place where I don't have any ideas (or the lazy just takes over tehe), I turn to the help of inspirations. My main source is the handy dandy internet world. But Inspiration can spring without expecting it in our everyday lives whether its from people, places, food, books, social media, old photos, etc.
Due to this current struggle of mine, I decided to start a segment on this blog where I introduce something that inspires me. Whatever it is!
My first inspiration is a ceramics artist named Shio Kusaka. I have become a fan of her work after seeing her pieces on a flyer in my ceramics class. Ill be quiet now & let you guys check it out for yourselves.
A good tip for those who struggle with artist's block:
I say document. document. document. Take notes of what inspires you. Inspiration does not have to be this majestic-light-bulb moment of a new creation coming to birth. It is anything and everything that spark your interest in making you see & think a little different.
Give you a bit of motivation.
A spark to an idea.
Or stuff you'd like to try.
(all photos are not mine, taken from Anton Kern Gallery website)
Well hello there, I sit here writing about my current state of mind where I lately have been stuck when it comes to finding the motivation to create & let ideas flow.
As a visual arts major there is this struggle sometimes where I lack creativity & lose sight of why I started in the first place. Then I tell myself not to pursue creation to satisfy or appeal to someone else, but to do it for myself.
I love that thoughts and ideas can be formed through people we meet, things we see, random moments in our sometimes uneventful (though I believe there is no such thing) lives.
Whenever I feel like the creative juices are not flowing and get stuck in this dark place where I don't have any ideas (or the lazy just takes over tehe), I turn to the help of inspirations. My main source is the handy dandy internet world. But Inspiration can spring without expecting it in our everyday lives whether its from people, places, food, books, social media, old photos, etc.
Due to this current struggle of mine, I decided to start a segment on this blog where I introduce something that inspires me. Whatever it is!
My first inspiration is a ceramics artist named Shio Kusaka. I have become a fan of her work after seeing her pieces on a flyer in my ceramics class. Ill be quiet now & let you guys check it out for yourselves.
A good tip for those who struggle with artist's block:
I say document. document. document. Take notes of what inspires you. Inspiration does not have to be this majestic-light-bulb moment of a new creation coming to birth. It is anything and everything that spark your interest in making you see & think a little different.
Give you a bit of motivation.
A spark to an idea.
Or stuff you'd like to try.
(all photos are not mine, taken from Anton Kern Gallery website)
T collection
September 03, 2014 § 0
welcome to my growing stash of t-shirts.
The comfort & ease they provide is happiness.
I love to throw a t-shirt over anything really, you can dress it up or down.

wanna know where I got these awesome stuff? check them out:
old navy b&w striped tee
h&m white tee
forever21 ringer tee & old navy alternative
"read" tee (thrifted)
hiya | 안녕 | let's be friends